Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Getting Lazy

I guess I'm lazy this week. I haven't made any videos, other than Concetta's birthday. Actually, the tape on that one had a glitch on it, so I need to buy a new tape and that is partly the reason why I haven't spent any time on videos.

Thing is, I have a couple of ideas of things I'd like to do, so first chance I get, I'll have to get out and get some more tape and try making a video again.

It's not that I have the most interesting videos on the internet, but I at least have consistent, regular, expectable contributions and if I start posting irregularly, I will lose too many of my 7 viewers.

1 comment:

A Nuyorican said...

Hope you get your tapes soon. And, I disagree, you are very interesting and extremely funny.