Friday, April 14, 2006

They're baack

Watch the video
You know it's going to be a bad day when you day starts off like this.


Desertnut said...

This reminds me about the fire ants I use to get all over my house. My dog got covered with ants on his stomach and was bit badly. I had to take him in the emergency. I also got bit and my leg got infected and had to go to the doctors.

I'm not one to use pesticides in my house, but I had to call an exterminator. Since that time I have an exterminator spray my house once a month (non-toxic to pets). It was the only way I could get rid of those nasty little pests.

Our neighborhood is infested with fire ants, one of the worst ants anyone could have. Good luck getting rid of your ants (at least their not the dangerous kind)!

missbhavens said...

OHMYGOD!!!! I've never seen anytthing like that! one hour later? Yikes! I've always liked ants. Intrepid little industrious...

But I don't want them all over my Quisinart!

Bev, I think you need to rethink the pesticide thing...

Holy Moly.

~~ Melissa said...
I'm itchy all over just watching it.

Patrick said...

Oh no!

Hey Bev, i was refferred to by Micheal Tyas of Life's a Journey.

I can't believe how fast they were to invade. I'm so so so so glad i don't get usually takes me a bit more than an hour to get to my dishes...


Jen said...

DISGUSTING! When I lived at my dads house he got ant invasions like that; we used the ant traps (all over) and I vacuumed them, hundreds at a time, for weeks.

Dan and I have box elder terrorists at our house. I'm so scared of bugs!

Bev Sykes said...

Ant stakes work pretty good on these guys, and we managed to get rid of all of them overnight, but they arrived so quickly, after years of no ants, that I was kind of taken by surprise.