Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Thoughts on Vlogging

Your mind wanders when you walk. As I walked up to the polling place to vote against Arnold's proposed devisive consitutional amendments, I started to think about vlogging. And where my place in the vlogging community is.

When you join the Yahoo vlogging group, you are inundated with stuff, gadgets, strange terminology and stuff you can't possibly understand. You also realize, when you are 62 years old, that there isn't a person on the list who is your age. They are all twenty- and thirty-somethings eager to buy the next new gadget, enthusiastic about getting into home-grown video journalism.

You also reaize that the mainstays of the vlogging community won't even give you the time of day, though there are others who can be very kind.

So the decision I came to was that I have to forge my own space in the vlogging community, and this video records my thought processes.

(Oh--and if anybody watched my voting video and is curious about the outcome of Measure X--it went down in defeat, along with all of Arnold's measures.)

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