Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Spring has sprung

What a glorious day it is outside. The sun is shining, it is warm, but not hot. There is a lovely breeze blowing. I sat under the apple tree and watched the bees and butterflies flitting about from blossom to blossom while the puppies played at my feet.

Even the dogs seemed to appreciate this beautiful spring day. Sheila and Kimba spent the morning just lying out in the sun, which they almost never do. And when I put the puppies down, they skooted along on their stomaches, noses buried in the grass, learning all there was to learn about this new environment. They even followed me back in the house when I called them, so I didn't have to pick them up and bring them in.

Now everyone has gone back to sleep after their brief sprint in the sun and I'm back in my hole of an office getting ready to work again. It's too bad that weather like this is so fleeting. Soon it will be too hot again, the blossoms (and the butterflies) will be gone--and so will the puppies.


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